Sunday, July 27

Sunday July 27, 2008 Family Outing

We have been enjoying riding our bikes together especially with the weather not as hot and humid as in Alabama. We have a fun neighborhood to ride in with sidewalks that are not curbs. The way they are designed makes it nice to get off of them without a huge bump.

We rode quite a long way and stopped at Maggie Moos and ate some ice cream! It was really expensive but very good. Amelia fell asleep on the way and she was very happy to wake up for a stop for ice cream! On the way home we found a little Maltese dog that had gotten out. We found him at a church parking lot and brought him home. The kids were so excited they were thinking we might keep him if we didn't find his owner. It ended up that he lived right by the church so we found his owner and they were so thrilled.

Wednesday, July 23

Tuesday July 22, 2008 Abby's New Girls Club

Abby's New Club

Last night was our third meeting for a new club that Abby is a part of. We are studying a book called A Young Woman After God's Own Heart - A Teen's guide to Friends, Faith, Family, and the Future by Elizabeth George

1. A Heart Devoted to God
2. A Heart That Loves God's Word
3. A Heart Committed to Prayer, Part 1

Last night was on prayer. I love how Elizabeth George challenges the girls to set goals to committ time to getting to know God and His Word. It is not about checklists and rules but about a true relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ! The leader, Mrs. Briggs, really makes it fun. She challenged the girls to learn Romans 12:1-2 and gave them a wooden nickel with a Bible verse on it if they learned it. She also plays ice breaker games which the girls absolutely love!

After our study we made flower headbands to use with costumes. A couple of us sewed the bands and then the girls glued flowers onto them. A group will be going to Sun Valley Idaho for a Renaissance event in August and they will wear their headbands. We had such a great time together!

Cutting the felt for the headbands

Picking flowers to go on the bands

Glueing the flowers on

Abby's headband; I think she did a wonderful job picking out the different flowers and arranging them. Way to go Abby!

Wednesday, July 16

Our 2nd Camping Trip! May 23 - 26th Memorial Day

Banbury Hot Springs, Hagerman Idaho

This was our first time to go camping with about 8 families. We home church with two of the families. We had a really fun time. The weather was supposed to be cold and rainy but it turned out to be just beautiful. We did have to use our heater at night and I couldn't believe it since it was the end of May. I'm still trying to get used to the change in weather. Needless to say, it isn't very hard getting used to it! LOL

I am crocheting a little bit and Kendall is whittling a walking stick

Mattie Grace playing Junior Monopoly

Lots of good food! You can see the yellow tape behind the tables and
that is where very strong winds came through and destroyed quite a
few trees just a few days before we came.

Dasher was well loved by everyone!

The group minus Monty who is taking the picture

Our trailer is the one in the middle of the three trailers

I'm back again!

We have been super busy so I haven't had a chance to blog lately. I am going to go back and post a few pictures from May that I thought some of my family might enjoy seeing.

Mother's Day at the park May 11, 2008

Grandma reading her card

Amelia helping Grandma open her present

A serving tray to put family pictures in

Grandpa and Grandma after our picnic lunch prepared by the kids

Feeding the geese

Monty and his mom

Playing at the playground

